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The year 2020 marked the launch of the BlackCycle project, a H2020-funded research program involving thirteen partners from five European countries around the same ambition: to create a huge circular economy for end-of-life tires (ELT) by producing high technical secondary raw materials from ELT.
Since the announcement of its launch in May last year, the project has received increasing attention from European media and specialist press.
The members of the BlackCycle consortium gave numerous interviews to raise awareness among European citizens and specialists in the tyre and rubber industry. They highlighted the circular economy issues surrounding the automotive industry and the potential of the BlackCycle project to bring innovative solutions to some of them. 

Nine months after its launch, the BlackCycle project is now seen as a real “game-changer”, combining a lot of technical and scientific know-how, and offering the potential scope to “revolutionize” the recycling of end-of-life tyres at a time when the key crumb rubber market was under severe economic threats.
It is therefore honoured and proud by these feedbacks that the BlackCycle consortium is entering the new year 2021 that will certainly be dedicated to the circular economy in the European automotive industry.

In last January, Dr Eleni Heracleous from CPERI/CERTH was invited to give an interview on the daily talk show O3 produced by a Greek national channel. She was also invited to give an interview during the news bulletin and in a radio show. During all these interviews, Dr. Heracleous presented and described the overall concept of the project: when tyres are dismounted from vehicles, they become part-worn tyres or end-of-life tyres (ELT). The part-worn tyre is reusable as a second-hand purchase directly or after reprocessing. The ELT is a non-reusable tyre; it enters a waste management system based on product/material recycling, energy recovery or it goes to landfill. Thus, the main objective of the BlackCycle project is to create, develop, and optimize a full value chain from ELT feedstock to Secondary Raw Materials (SRMs), with no waste of resources in any part of the chain and a specific attention for the environmental impact, reducing CO2 emission compared to conventional waste management, especially compared to incineration.
Looking for new opportunities? 

Here you will find soon the job offers of the partners of the BlackCycle project. 




About ESTATO Umweltservice GmbH

The company A.T.U Auto-Teile-Unger was founded in 1985 and is now the market leader in the German automotive service sector. The company currently operates around 550 branches in Germany and Austria, and its business model is based on the combination of master workshops with integrated specialist motorists’ markets. Since 2016, A.T.U has been part of the European market leader Mobivia. With 19 brands, over 2,000 workshops and more than 22,000 employees, the group of companies has unique expertise in automotive service.


WasteEng20 - May 31 - June 4, 2021 in VIRTUAL mode

Organised by WasteEng Conference Series, the IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux and the University of Guelph, the 8th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation supposed to be held in Guelph (Canada) in mid-July finally goes to a full virtual meeting between the 31st of May and 4th of June.

Since the time zones of the participants countries are very spread (from UTC-7 to UTC+10) the duration of the conference will be limited to 6 hours/day in live to keep strong interactions between the participants with live interactive sessions and discussions only opened to registered participants.


The 2nd of January 2021, Eleni Heracleous and Angelos Lappas from CPERI/CERTH, Dirk Rechenbach from Orion Engineered Carbons, Alexander Prokein from Estato Umweltservice GmbH, Pascal Klein from Pyrum Innovations and Michael Cogne from Michelin were invited to give an interview for an article for the Greek service of the Deutsche Welle.
The article focused on the BlackCycle project, highlighting the concept and the innovation of the program, presenting the contribution of five actors of the consortium and the ambitious goal of the coordinator Michelin of having 100% of its raw materials from sustainable supply chains in the future.
The article made a very good impression and was ranked 2nd among the most famous articles of the month of January.
Deutsche Welle (DW) is Germany’s international broadcaster and one of the most successful and relevant international media outlets. In 2020, their multimedia content in 30 languages reaches 249 million weekly user contacts, thus significantly exceeding the company's target for 2021.